Runtime environment for test automation framework
Create, manage and execute automated tests that reflect real-world scenarios, customer experiences and complex interactions with backend systems. intaQt® supports real and simulated devices, and provides configurations to ensure that resources, including phones, are managed efficiently and that test cases and their results reflect real-life scenarios.
Platforms and languages
intaQt® is fully compatible with Windows, Linux and macOS, and includes a built-in Vocable Expression Language as well as the custom QiTASC Steps Language and the QiTASC UI Steps Language for testing web and app functionality.
Our software helps introduce and test new services, technologies and legal requirements and integrate them in telecommunications products. At the touch of a button, intaQt® executes complex end-to-end testing scenarios quickly, accurately and efficiently.
Telephony - Audio testing
The intaQt® audio service enables the automated testing of audio recordings, audio matching and speech channel monitoring in telephony test cases. This is especially useful for verifying IVR prompts, for audio recordings that subscribers hear or for assessing sound quality.
Web, app and IoT
intaQt® UI Steps Language automates activities performed while using websites, Android & iOS apps and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This is done by defining elements such as XPaths, assigning actions to these elements and writing test steps that mirror a user’s real-life behaviour.
Built-ins for backend systems
intaQt® includes extensive built-in functionalities for communicating with backend systems. This includes HTTP/REST, SSH, JSON, XML, SQL, email and more.
QiTASC cockpit
The QiTASC Cockpit allows users to manage all QiTASC products from a central location. Currently, QiTASC are working to develop a new installer.
steps language
Our custom Steps Language allows users to create custom step definitions, models and functions, which are accessed and executed by feature files. This enables the seamless integration of complex technical specifications and external systems into the background so that test cases are as accurate and reflective of real usage as possible.
UI Steps Language
The UI Steps Language was developed specifically to streamline testing for websites, apps and mobile browsing. By specifying elements such as XPaths and assigning actions to them, complex tests become easy to define.
All feature files are written using the Gherkin language, to make the test cases easy to write and even easier to understood by both technical and non-technical users.
Resource-aware, intelligent scheduling service
QiTASC’s sQedule is a resource-aware scheduler that schedules tests on intaQt® agents. sQedule then evaluates and allocates phones to test cases based on availability and priority.
sQedule always executes the maximum number of possible test cases by optimising the test cases’ properties and available devices. This increases the amount of testing while preventing failures due to unavailable phones or incorrect test case selection.
Purpose of sQedule
In addition to test case selection and execution, sQedule has been developed to:
- Assign the correct devices to each test case based on availability
- Ensure the optimal combination of test cases and devices is running at any given time
- Reduce or eliminate test case failures that occur when devices aren’t available
sQedule reduces testing costs
sQedule takes over time-consuming manual activities such as test case assignment, scheduling and prioritisation. Following, it reduces the number of intaQt® licences that teams need. This is especially helpful for small teams with limited budgets.
Table of contents
List of other software tools
Runtime environment for test automation framework
intaQt studio®
Test case development UI
intaQt client®
Command-line interface of the test automation framework
intaQt verification®
Charging verification
intaQt web-ui®
Web-based test case development UI
Trace comparison
Reporting and issue tracking
Evidence collector
CDR search engine
Simulator/message sequence generator.
mimiQ load: load generator
Seamless SIM mapping
User management
Secure event service
Alarm generator