CDR search engine

cdr-linQ is a tool for examining CDRs collected from those generated by test cases. CDRs written by network elements are collected, decoded and indexed. Tens of millions of CDRs can be loaded, while indexing means a CDR for any given phone number can be found in milliseconds.

Specialised CDR search

CDRs can be found by type, by subtype, by time, by phone number, by charging ID, by IMSI and more. Even if a CDR does not contain a searchable ID it can be found by an automatic linking search if it is correlated to one that does.

Quick compare and download

cdr-linQ provides fast visible comparison of up to 3 CDRs, and allows download of the original CDR file for further analysis.

Table of contents

List of other software tools


Runtime environment for test automation framework

intaQt studio®

Test case development UI

intaQt client®

Command-line interface of the test automation framework

intaQt verification®

Charging verification

intaQt web-ui®

Web-based test case development UI


Trace comparison


Reporting and issue tracking


Evidence collector


CDR search engine


Simulator/message sequence generator.

mimiQ load: load generator


Seamless SIM mapping


User management


Secure event service


Alarm generator