Charging verification

Verify hundreds of parameters and metadata within seconds during a test or after data has been collected. With the click of a button, intaQt verification® checks device, subscriber and event details, internal infrastructure, legal requirements, financial characteristics and more.

Platform and language support

intaQt verification® is fully compatible with Windows, Linux and macOS. Its rules files are compatible with intaQt® ’s Vocable Expression Language and UI Steps Language, meaning that verification test cases, their steps and configurations can be integrated into larger intaQt® projects.

Automated CDRs & EDRs

intaQt verification® automates the verification of call detail records (CDRs) or event detail records (EDRs) based on a configured set of verification rules, which define the type of check that intaQt verification® will perform on the basis of the selected records, as well as which properties to compare.

Verification rules

intaQt verification® rules check parameters of test case structure, comparisons and formats. Examples of verification rules include:

  • Test case structure rules concern the structure of test cases or their tickets.
  • Comparison rules compare ticket properties relative to specified criteria.
  • Format rules check values, which must have a specific format.

Verification selectors

intaQt verification® simplifies defining the criteria to be checked via its selectors. These selectors tell intaQt® which records to check against verification rules and which to exclude. Because only certain records or tickets should be chosen, selectors are a critical part of eliminating unnecessary data from the verification process, which helps to keep these tests running smoothly and quickly.

Online and offline verification

intaQt verification® is available for both online and offline testing. Online verification involves live intaQt® test cases, which execute verification while the test case is in process. Offline verification happens after a test case execution is no longer in process. For example, if CDRs/EDRs are only generated once a day, online verification may not be possible. While it is possible to set up a project to use online verification in this case, the process is intricate and requires extensive know-how. We have therefore implemented a verification UI specifically for such offline use cases.

Verification built-ins

Verification built-ins provide additional flexibility and specificity in defining rules. These built-ins contain functions that filter for important criteria.

  • Number matching – checks that two phone numbers match in a certain format
  • Time matching – checks that a time is before, at or after a specified time
  • Bit matching – checks that a bit’s position corresponds to the bits of a given value converted to a binary
  • Rounding – rounds values up or down in multiple ways including to full numbers, half numbers, to ceiling or to floor
  • Date creation – create dates, with an optional date format specification

Verification configurations

intaQt verification® allows you to configure your project both in terms of tickets and in terms of your preferences and needs for additional information and functionality.

Table of contents

List of other software tools


Runtime environment for test automation framework

intaQt studio®

Test case development UI

intaQt client®

Command-line interface of the test automation framework

intaQt verification®

Charging verification

intaQt web-ui®

Web-based test case development UI


Trace comparison


Reporting and issue tracking


Evidence collector


CDR search engine


Simulator/message sequence generator.

mimiQ load: load generator


Seamless SIM mapping


User management


Secure event service


Alarm generator